Very occasionally you meet a person who radiates goodness. In their presence, you feel better about yourself. It's almost a physical thing, the aura that surrounds them, and it washes over you like a benison. I am not much for the touchy-feely stuff, but there is a reality here that can't be explained by any laws of physics that I am aware of.
Goodness. Goodness, what a quality to have! I am sure that the converse, an aura of evil, also exists, but I am relieved that I have not met that first hand, although, like you, I have met some villains in my time. Few people have the aura of goodness (or evil), but we all have capacity for both to some degree.
I have done some things in my life that I am proud of.
I have done some things in my life that I am ashamed of.
I will not boast about the things I am proud of: that is vanity.
I can do nothing now about the things I am ashamed of: if it has been possible to make amends, I have already tried to do so.
Now, I try to be as good a human being as possible in all my dealings with others. Without being pious about it.
If I have done something good for you, I am glad, but don't tell me about it or I might become conceited.
If I have done something bad to you, try to forgive me and tell me what I can do to put it right.
If there is nothing I can do, forgive me anyway. Like you, I am fallible.
Maybe you can understand a little better now why one of my heroes is Pooh Bear: he is not a good bear, he is not a bad bear: he is just a fallible little bear of very little brain.
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