Thursday, March 01, 2007

Deadly Sins

I was once arrested for trying to push over a double-decker bus. The year, 1954, the venue the High (Street) in Oxford, the occasion Guy Fawkes Night (November 5), the reason, I was drunk and over-excited, the outcome: the Proctors fined me £10 and told me not to do it again. I didn't do it again.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest!
I once climbed out of a warm bed, leaving my girlfriend sleeping, in order to go up one floor and climb into bed with another lady. The year, 1957, the reason, excessive randiness, the outcome, zilch. The upstairs lady rejected me, and the downstairs lady never knew about my (unfulfilled) transgression. So, in the end, only my soul was scarred: no other injuries.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest!
I once had a great Italian meal in the Amalfi restaurant in Old Compton Street in Soho. The year, I don't remember but somewhere in the 70s, the occasion, I was in London on business. I was so fired up that on my walk back to the hotel from the Amalfi, I passed a pizza house and went in and ate a pizza. Gluttony. Nasty gluttony. I never did anything like that again.
Boy, am I glad I got that off my chest!
Don't worry, good buddies, only three hundred and forty three more confessions and I will be shriven.
Thanks for listening.

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