Monday, July 11, 2011


Idyllic scene this morning from my kitchen window. The horse in the corral (to the left) has something wrong with its front right paw (paw?? you can tell I am not a horsy person), which appears to be bandaged. An angel of mercy called Sheila comes to the field around dawn every morning (don't ask me how I know) and ministers to it. The wee Sheltie to its left is in the corral for company. As for the horse in the foreground, well, you can see that it's going to be a hot day again....


mscriver said...

Love that horse! Of course, as it gets warmer there will be more to love.

Prairie Mary

Jake Allsop said...

One day, many years ago, I was walking my dog down the drove next to the field. There were two little girls standing on the fence admiring the horses, one of which was, shall we say, excited. One of the girls turned to me, pointed to the exposed member and said seriously "I know what that's called. It's called a vagina." On the principle that cowardice is the better part of valour, I smiled and walked on without uttering a word.