Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Coalition For Marriage

It probably wasn't Queen Victoria who expressed her opposition to homosexual activity on the grounds that, if done in public, it would frighten the horses, but the sentiment seems appropriate to me. It seems appropriate to me, also, that we should keep things simple, which is why, uncharacteristically perhaps, I have signed the petition at Coalition For Marriage
I don't think we should institutionalise something which might frighten the horses.


Anonymous said...

"It seems appropriate to me, also, that we should keep things simple, which is why, uncharacteristically perhaps, I have signed the petition"

Some might say "... why (...) I have signed..." stems from, unexpectedly perhaps, a tendency to homophobia rather than a tendency to hippophilia.

Anonymous said...

Just so you are seen to be even-handed, and not really a closet homophobe, why not sign this one, too


Jake Allsop said...

I expected someone to retort with a charge of homophobia. Not true in my case, but it's the standard accusation against anyone who expresses a contrary opinion.
"Don't look at my finger; look at where it's pointing."