Friday, August 15, 2008

"As I was saying....

....before I fell off the stage", it's good to be back (Ancient readers of this blog will recognise the quotation from Tony Hancock).
Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated, etc. It's just that life has been hectic these last 2-3 weeks. Nice hectic, mind you: plenty of activity to do with Swifts (more of this anon), some Barn Owl monitoring (while dodging the downpours), gardening (ditto), desperate attempts to finish proofreading THE BOOK (It's like calling Macbeth the "Scottish play").
And, of course, the visit of Sarah and the three munchkins. Sophie, Kiki and Harry positively REVEL in the rain showers, and seem to take every opportunity to get wet. They are also passionate about feeding the ponies in the field below mine. But their favo(u)rite pastime is playing swingball (see pic above) with Clare. Clare has proved to be a natural with children. When I commented to her on this, she said "It's because I am the same mental age as them", which is stunningly profound. I think the same applies to me.....

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