Saturday, March 13, 2010

Trellis is astonished

Another deluge of letters from Mrs Trellis. This one is typical:
Dear Mrs Scrote, she writes, I could hardly believe my ears when I read that you are a teetotaller. I had always had you pegged as a vicarious toper.
All my family, including my late husband, Mr Trellis, ascribe to the Rechabite creed, namely, leave the demon drink to those who have no morals, like papists, politicians and sundry other perverts. Excepting of course medicinal brandy, which always kept Mr Trellis's motor up and running, if you will pardon the expression..
Anyway, I am pleased that you have forsworn your wicked ways, or some of them at least. If you are ever in Llanfairpg, pop in and we can exchange peasantries over a pot of nettle-and-leek tea.

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