Sunday, February 18, 2007

Pulling a bird

As an Old Scrote, I no longer need to worry about the best techniques for "pulling a bird" (Translation: making oneself attractive to a member of the opposite sex). But, thanks to David Attenborough, I have learned a lot about how Pheasants and Tragopans do it: by amazing shivering displays of wing and tail feathers and unbelievable irridescence; about how Bowerbirds do it: by constructing a gallery and filling it with pretty objets d' art; about how Frigate Birds do it: by inflating a huge red throat pouch. All very spectacular. And beautiful to boot.
But I have just had my flabber totally gasted by learning how the Buff-breasted Sandpiper does it. He flashes his armpit.
In all my years of trying to ingratiate myself with women, I have frequently exhibited my best plumage, I have often demonstrated my artistic talents, I have even on occasion inflated my chest. But flashing my armpit - that's one that never occurred to me.

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