Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Tell me about it

What is it, dear?
Are you awake, Grandpa?
Oh ok, I'll talk to you later.

Harry, I know a secret.
What secret?
I can't tell you, it's a secret.
Well, I got a secret too, so there.
What's your secret?
Go fish.

Sophie, can you spell Mississippi?
Who's she, Grandpa?
Who's who?
Mrs Hippy.
Forget it sweetie. My brain hurts.

Kiki, would you like to hear a riddle?
What goes up a drainpipe down?
I said no.
Go on, it's easy! Just think about it.
An umbrella.
Grandpa, you are really weird.

1 comment:

Jake Allsop said...

I will tell her when I see her. She is what my mother would call " a little madam", very self-possessed and just a little bit conceited. I always call her my princess, and she just BEAMS, because she KNOWS she is a princess!