Sunday, May 02, 2010

A serious bit

Those of you who are close to me - family, colleagues and friends - know the problems I have faced in the last twelve months. Thank God the end of my troubles is in sight. I am writing this to thank all of you for your love and your support.
I am humbled.
And I realise now how lucky I am to have such family and such friends.
Much good has come out of all this: I am not the same person I was a year ago. Thanks to you, and with the help of a rediscovered faith, I have an inner strength and a serenity now that I have never known before in my whole life.
Well, that's enough of that. I can feel the satirical sap rising in the Old Scrote again: time for more observations on the follies and fripperies of humankind.
I just hope Mrs Trellis doesn't get hold of the wrong end of my stick.

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