Saturday, October 08, 2011

Hypochondriac, moi?

I am getting regular and very tiresome night sweats these days, no known cause, so I googled my way to an informative website. Here's what I discovered about possible causes and cures:

1 Andropause: hormonal changes occur after 40 – 45 years.
2 The level of testosterone diminishes, consequently, this a manifesting feature.
3 Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis: i.e. there is no known cause
4 Alcoholism: excessive alcohol intake of alcohol.
5 Diseases: night sweats are common in certain medical conditions such as: cancer, T.B., bacterial infections,  viral infections, AIDS, etc.
6 Stress: is a very common cause. Anxiety, worry, apprehension, fears, all trigger night sweats.
7 Diet: consuming excessive amounts of garlic, onions, red meat and spicy foods, especially at night, triggers sweating
8 Medicines: certain medicines / drugs are also known to cause night sweating

That's a good list. At my age, I think 1 and 2 can be discarded. As can 4 and, I hope!, 5. Also, 7 seems very unlikely, which leaves:

3 Idiopathic Hyperhidrosis: i.e. there is no known cause
I love "idiopathic", which means "you've got it but nobody else has as far as we know"; and "hyperhidrosis" means excessive sweating. As an explanation, it's brilliant, isn't it?!

6 Stress: is a very common cause. Anxiety, worry, apprehension, fears, all trigger night sweats.
Well, yes, but I really don't think my "angustia" is so excessive as to cause night sweats. A desire to commit murder, maybe, but night sweats, nah.

8 Medicines: certain medicines / drugs are also known to cause night sweating
Well, again, yes, but the sweats occur even when I have laid off the medication. All the same, I guess this is the likeliest one. Personally I think that decaffeinated tea is the culprit.

The website where I found the above goes on to give advice:

Whilst sleeping, always wear light cotton clothes. I DO
Make sure that the room is well ventilated. I DO
Do not consume a heavy meal, just before bed time. I DON'T
Have a light snack, which is not too heavily spiced. I DO
Stress management will go a very long way in helping fight the problem. Yoga, Pranayama and meditation are strongly recommended. DO CROSSWORDS COUNT?
Even after lifestyle changes, the problem persists, get yourself examined and investigated, as per your doctor, and identify if there is any underlying medical condition, I WILL
If you are experiencing night sweats frequently, and every night, or they tend to disturb sleep, it is necessary that you consult a physician. YOU JUST SAID THAT.

So, if it persists, I guess I need to take medical advice. If I remember, I will mention it to Dr A next week. I just hope it has nothing to do with black stockings.


Anonymous said...

You paid for it all your life, the NHS. So get right down there and use it. I had pneumonia recently, but the most notable symptom was night sweats.

Jake Allsop said...

I trust you are fully recovered, mon ami.