Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The marital trials of Mrs T

I received a particularly poignant letter from my North Wales correspondent today, and only decided to publish it after much heartsearching.
Dear Esther Ratsend, she writes, First may I say how much better you look since you had your teeth fixed, not that you could ever be called beautiful. But what's beauty when a person earns as much as you do? Anyway, thank you for posting that lovely picture of your three children. I am sure they are adorable, although I don't much like children, never having had any myself owing to a delicate problem which afflicted the late Mr Trellis every time we, you know, tried. Poor man, he just got too excited and rarely made it to the marital bed. In fact most of the time he didn't even bother to try to make it to the marital bed; I think he was in love with his armchair to tell you the truth.
If you are ever in Llanfairpg, do look me up, but don't bring the children as they are bound to break things.
Yours admirably
Blodwen Trellis, Mrs, Widow, Retired.

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