Monday, June 11, 2007

Mrs Trellis is not impressed by parrots

Dear Arnold Schwarzenegger, she writes, I can hardly believe you have time to look at parrots, you being Governor of California and all, but I suppose it's good to have a hobby to take your mind off all that corruption.
My brother Dai was in the merchant navy and he once brought us a parrot like the one in your picture, but every time I went near it, it bit my bum, if you will pardon the expression. Mr Trellis, my late husband, on the other hand could do anything with it, and often did. It's hard to believe that one of God's creatures could be so sexist, apart from man, that is.
By the way, do you "work out", or whatever it is you call it to keep those gorgeous bulging muscles of yours? Mr Trellis never had much in the way of bulges, but he could play the harmonium, which was a consolation, albeit a small one.
Feel free to send me a photo of yourself in a leotard, if it's not too much trouble.
Blodwen Trellis, Widow, available.

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