Friday, May 18, 2007

Western Tanager

Look at this beauty, a Western Tanager that flashed across my line of vision while I was sitting in the backyard a couple of days ago.
He and Mrs Tanager seem to be nesting in a bushy kind of shrub across the road from us.
When I first saw that flash of golden yellow and black, I thought, well, you know what I thought. It's hard to shake off the Golden Oriole, dammit, even when you are 7000 miles away from it. I occasionally think of the manuscript that is now sitting on the Poyser editor's desk, but so far the fan remains unsullied.
Apart from Tanagers, my life is enhanced by the children's 20-year-old Brazilian nanny, who has a sunny disposition and an even sunnier smile. Beats snap, crackle and pop first thing in the morning.


Chas S. Clifton said...

The next time you visit a California bar, order a Tequila Sunrise and then ponder its resemblance to the Western tanager.

The universe works in mysterious ways.

Jake Allsop said...

I remember going to a barbecue in Poway, and I can remember drinking several Tequila Sunrises (Tequilas Sunrise?), but have no recollection of what they were like, geschweige denn, their resemblance to W Tanagers. But I will give them another go, I promise.