Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Ten it is, then

Multitude: How many???
Moses: Ten.
Multitude: Like, how's a person to remember TEN commandments?! Three would be difficult!
Moses: Be grateful. He started out with TWENTY-FIVE.
Multitude: Moishe, you're a genius! You beat Him down.
Moses (modestly): A person does his best for his people...
Multitude: So what's with these ten commandments? Anything tricky, like not eating snails on a Wednesday?
Moses: It's no big deal. Live good, don't be a shnorrer and you get to live on milk and honey.
Multitude: What, no meat? No protein?
Moses: Be grateful. This is a desert. You want to eat jerbils maybe?
Multitude: You are right. We are grateful.
Shnorrer: What happens if we don't keep these commandments?
Moses: He gives the oil to the Arabs.
Multitude: There's always a downside.

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