Tuesday, May 27, 2008


And it came to pass on the road from Hebron to Jerusalem that a traveller was jumped on by a gang of lager louts coming back from the match, and deprived they him of his wallet and most of the air in his lungs after a good kicking. And the lager louts then sodded off, singing "You should never walk alone", as is their wont. And the traveller lay he still and groaned. And thought: "help me somebody". And then cried he out loud "Help me, somebody."
And a nurse passed by, looked at him and thought: "No way am I going to get involved. If anything went wrong, his family would sue me for a million shekels."
And a gendarme passed by, looked at him and thought: "Don't get involved - all the bloody paperwork it would generate, and no thanks at the end of it."
And a yeshiva student passed by, looked at the hapless traveller and thought: "I'd help him, but I got another ten pages of the Talmud to finish or I'll be in right shtuck."
And the lager louts came back and gave the traveller another kicking. And the traveller passed out, and when he came to, felt he terrible. Life, he thought, is hardly worth the trouble. That was when, in a last desperate throw, took he out his cellphone and called Directory Enquiries to get the number of the Samaritans. And the lady at Directory Enquiries was very nice about it, and said she was very sorry, but the number was ex-directory.

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