Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Excuse me, Darling, was that a Recession I just saw speeding past the window?

Years back, I got into Transcendental Meditation. Don't laugh, it was fashionable, and it worked for me. It's a very effective technique and I would recommend it to anyone; as long as you stop short of the yogic flying.
All you need is a mantra, a good teacher, and the space in which to TM-out for 20 minutes or so every day.
The TM tribe believe, bless their cotton socks, that if we ALL intone our mantra at the same time and in the same direction, we can change the course of world events.
As I am now out of the TM movement, I am having to do it all on my own, but I am determined to persist.
I have a session every day to keep the Pru (the insurance company that pays my pension) on an even keel. Don't you dare go bust, you bastards.
And another session to keep my ISA growing.
And another to persuade My Darling (aka the Chancellor of the Exchequer) to put up my retirement pension by at least 1000 percent by Christmas.
All this meditation is thirsty work, so, if you will excuse me, I will now go and rehydrate......

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