Saturday, November 03, 2007

A treat in store

The recent silence of my North Walian fan was beginning to worry me. But Mrs T is as alert as ever, god bless her.
Dear Benazir Bhutto,
shewrites, if I had known you were planning a comeback, I would have knitted you a burka. Anyway, as one woman to another, I just hope you win. It's about time New Zealand had a woman Prime Minister.
And don't worry about the fish. As my late husband used to say "A fish on the plate is worth two in the bush." What a wag he was, bless him!
If you are ever in North Wales, your duties permitting and specially if you lose the election, do pop in and I will cook you Welsh leeks au gratin, kosher of course, as you people require, ie, leeks slaughtered as prescribed in the Bible, AV.

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