Thursday, November 29, 2007

Where the hell has it got to?

I have a poltergeist. No doubt about it. I have put off this realisation for as long as I could, but now I KNOW it to be so. It has brought to mind the first line of the following piece of scatology, memorised devotedly from a long-ago Bedürfnisanstalt (What a great expression for a loo):

"In this house there lives a ghost..."
In diesem Hause wohnt ein Geist,
der, diesem der zu lange scheisst,

mal kräftig in die Nille beisst.

Mich, aber, hat er nicht gebissen –

Ich hab’ ihm auf dem Kopf geschissen.

Nothing else can explain the constant disappearance of things: my kitchen timer, a valued CD-Rom, a small medicine chest, books galore, the list goes on. Also, whole chunks of my memory have vanished - definitely the work of a malign spirit.

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