Speeding is foolish and dangerous. Driving at 60 mph in a 30mph builtup area is criminal. Speed cameras are a means of identifying the maniacs who break the law in this way. So far so good. But how often do the following happen to ordinary jacks and jills like you and me:
1 The speed restriction sign is obscured by vegetation so you don't see it
2 You realise that you are not sure if you are in a 40 or a 30 zone, and there are no reminder signs
3 You slow down as you approach the 30 zone, but you are still going at about 35 when you enter it
Sorry, jack and jill, it makes no difference. If the camera captures you, it's a £60 fine and 3 penalty points on your licence. Accumulate 10 penalty points and you are banned from driving for 1-3 years. At the moment, some 40, 000 citizens, wicked or not, are banned in the UK..
Ah, but surely you can appeal against the conviction? Indeed you can, and much good may it do you. Very occasionally, the police have no choice but to accept migitating circumstances - perhaps allowing one appeal in every several hundred - but you can bet they grind their officious teeth when they have to do so - and remember you afterwards.
There's an interesting twist too, in that this seems to be the one case in English law where you are guilty until proved innocent.
Is there any solution to what many people perceive as an unjust situation in which thousands of law-abiding citizens are effectively being criminalised? My suggestion - and I am sure nobody is listening - is that each time someone is caught, the fine should be doubled. The punishment of penalty points on the licence should only be applied to cases where the driver is obviously driving dangerously.

Love to all.......
Your comment is a splendid way to cure an old scrote's grump! Thank you.
I visit you again
Love to all.....
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