Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Let there be Light

And the Lord said “Let there be light” and there was Light and you could see for miles and miles. And the Minister of Public Works sent Him a memo saying “Hast Thou, in Thy Infinite Wisdom, taken care to ensure that the Light that Thou has created is properly earthed?”

And the Lord, undismayed, madeth He Night and Day, just like Cole Porter, and the Minister for the Environment sent Him a memo saying “Hast Thou, in Thy Infinite Doodah etc, thought about Daylight Saving Time, for we cannot possibly afford to keep the Lights on all the time, Thou knowest, what with Oil Prices going up all the time, and Arabs being unreliable and all that.”

Then created He, still undaunted, the Beasts of the Field, and the Minister of Agriculture waxed exceeding wrath, for – as he wrote in a terse memo – clearly No Divine Thought had been given to the risks of Mad Cow Disease, Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth, never mind the bloody paperwork involved thereunto and therewith and thereupon.

And then, despite the onset of Doubts, continued He with the Job of Creation, bringing into being Man and Woman and a Snake to give them something to think about. And the Minister for Cultural Affairs waxed even wrather, and said unto Him: There’ll be Hell to pay once those two start procreating, what with Overpopulation, Climate Change, GM Crops, the Perils of Immigration and all Kinds of Darkies taking over and that.
And God thought about this for a while, and then sighed a long Divine Sigh, and lost interest in the Whole Fucking Project.


Heidi the Hick said...

waxed even wrather....

Oh Jake, that is rich!

Jake Allsop said...

Just testing the limits, Heidi!