Saturday, September 16, 2006

Let's hear it for Princess Sophie!

Mommy, I think I should go on a diet.
Why is that, dear?
I want to be pretty.
Pretty like mommy, you mean?
Oh no, much prettier than that.
Eat your antioxidant sprout souffle, dear.

Grandpa, why don't you go on a diet?
I AM on a diet, honeybunch.
It isn't working, is it, Grandpa?
Sure it is, it takes a lot of will power to stay this fat.
Grandpa, I think you are truly truly weird.

Look, Mommy, I drawed this picture for you.
Drew, dear. Show me.
Don't call me Dru! My name is Sophie Marie Glazebrook.
Yes, dear. Drink your polyunsaturated sugar-free turnip strainings.

Grandpa, wouldn't it be fun to have a dog!
Why not?
We already have a cat.
A cat's no fun, you can't take a cat for a walk.
Sure you can. Just strap it to Harry's skateboard.
When are you going back to England, Grandpa?

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