Saturday, September 09, 2006

"A rose by any other name smells just as sweet"

My father's name was Thomas Jonah, but everyone called him Jack. When it came to naming me, my mother wanted to call me John (after her younger brother), but my father pointed out that if I was christened John, everyone would call me Jack anyway. And so, the name on my birth certifiicate is Jack. After that, lots of people assumed that "Jack" was just a nickname, and called me John.
Confusing? It gets worse.
During my toddler years, Jack was always Jackie, except when I was an erroneous John. At about the age of eleven, when I was a member of a gang of boys who modelled themselves on cowboy heroes of the silver screen, my nickname became Jake. In most cowboy movies, there was a character called Jake, usually a villain or a drunk, but I didn't mind: the name had a toughness to it, like Hank and Britt and Chuck, and all those other grunted monosyllables.
So: Jack became John became Jackie became Jake.
Confusing? There's even worse to come.
In 1961, I joined an organisation called Eurocentres, starting as a teacher at the Bournemouth Eurocentre. The Principal was a Miss Bayley (For our younger readers: single women of whatever age were called Miss in those days). She objected to the name Jake, which she considered vulgar, so she "rechristened" me Jonathan, which she used both in private and in public. As a result, a whole lot of people, including a visiting team of experts from Michigan State University, only ever knew me as Jonathan.
When I started publishing, I had to decide what name to put on the cover of my books. I decided that "Jake Allsop" would be a memorable sort of name. I felt sure there couldn't be another one in the world (In fact, there is: a Texan who is, or was, a Marine. I'll tell you one day how I know this).
And so, I am Jake. Or am I? Five years ago, I rediscovered - or was rediscovered by - a branch of the Allsop clan, including a long-lost half-sister, Doreen, who naturally enough calls me Jack. The younger members of the rediscovered clan, on the other hand, call me Jake.

Is it something to do with the fact that I am a Gemini? Well, I may be a split personality, but I will never be lonely: I will always have each other.


d~ said...

May I call you Johnny?

Jake Allsop said...

Please no! Haven't I had enough names for one lifetime?! In fact, Dixie, you can call me anything you like, you know that.

d~ said...

Thank you, Muffin.

Jake Allsop said...

Walked into that one, didn't I?!