Last night, I watched a programme on TV that blew the whistle on the end-of-the-world Carbon Dioxide theory of Global Warming. They convinced me of something that I always wanted to believe anyway, and that is that the Global Warming humans-are-fucking-up-the-planet proposition had been hijacked by various groups to pursue their own political ends: Maggie Thatcher to bludgeon Scargill's miners back into the Stone Age, and the eco-freaks to find another stick to beat Capitalism - and the USA - with. Plus the scientists who have found a rich source of grant funding (Want to research the ecology of woodlice? Say it's a study into the effects of global warming on crustaceans and the funds roll in)
Oh yes, and those stringy geeks on bikes who want me to give up my car.
According to the programme, it is
solar activity, not carbon dioxide, that influences the ups and downs of our climate. Indeed, apart from the fact that CO2 is a trivial proportion of the cocktail in our atmosphere, its rise and fall follows, not precedes, changes in global temperatures.
They presented a convincing case. Well, what you and I believe won't make a scrap of difference, but it does bother me that it is so difficult to separate the facts from the fantasies in this matter. Time to put the kettle on and make a cup of tea - if that's ok with the
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