Wednesday, March 07, 2007


The Barn Owl box is now in situ in the black barn. I tried to take pictures of it, but my camera is in sullen rebellion, so please take my word for it that the box looks magnificent on its plinth.
I just hope the Barn Owls can see what a des res it is.
We - I had the assistance of David H, who, as always, wishes to remain anonymous - lined the box with wood shavings and threw in a few pellets for the birds to shred. What more can we do? Does anyone know a prayer appropriate to Barn Owl nestboxing?
Envoi: today, during a day on the fens repairing nestboxes, Peter W and I were lucky enough to come upon a widow with a barn and a lust to have Barn Owls nesting in it. So, if you will excuse me, I will go now as I need to get an early night so that I will be fresh to start a new box tomorrow morning.
After all, it's not every day I get the opportunity to perform an act of unconditional love for a pining widow.

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