Monday, April 09, 2007

Trellis on Paxman

A rapid response from the indefatigable Mrs Trellis:
Dear Jeremy Paxman
I enjoy University Challenge and about 8 years ago even managed to almost answer a question, something about photons, or was it photosynsomething?
Well, be that as it may, I am concerned at your recent bias towards natural history topics. Some of us are not all that interested in birds and insects and other creatures that make a mess of your windows and eat pieces out of your clothing.
Why don't you do more questions about NICE things, like Princess Diana (I mean before she was dead). Also, Wales is a fascinating topic: have you ever wondered why the Welsh make such good teachers?
Also, nice films. I watched Shadowlands recently, and cried my eyes out: what a wonderful Welshman C D Lewis was, even if he did have a wardrobe fetish and married a non-believer.
Yours eruditely, Blodwen Trellis, Widow retired, 3 O Levels.
PS Who chooses your ties? I would never have allowed my husband, the late Mr Trellis, to troll about the place in such unseemly bits of haberdashery.

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